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Remco for your business

Remco van Lokven Stress Coaching en Training

Addressing the Pink Elephant in Your Business

As an entrepreneur, there are several crucial aspects: you want your business to run smoothly, your employees to be motivated and enthusiastic, and for them to show up to work healthy and happy. Finding good personnel is becoming increasingly challenging, and potential employees value aspects such as remote work options, meaningful work, and attention to workplace enjoyment and health.

Perhaps you’ve already dealt with long absences due to stress or burnout. Organizing replacements, increased workload for colleagues, and the associated costs can be a significant burden. How did you handle this? Did your HR manager intervene? Did you provide support to your employees yourself? And were there signals that could have been noticed earlier?

To get a good understanding of the workplace enjoyment, stress levels, and vitality of your staff, it may be valuable to hire the help of an external consultant. An expert who can quickly and efficiently provide advice on the health of your team and potential areas for improvement, without the need to launch an extensive program. What you need is a Remco for your business.

What does Remco do for your business?

During a one-hour strategy session, we discuss the current state of your business, the challenges in your sector, and your long-term goals regarding workplace enjoyment and vitality. After that, I’ll engage with your staff through short (online) coaching sessions of 30 minutes each to discuss their workplace enjoyment and stress levels, and to provide them with at least one useful tip.

Based on these conversations, I provide advice on what your team needs to work with more enjoyment and less stress.

This advice is always tailored to your specific situation and often includes coaching, training for employees and managers, and consultancy. Additionally, I ensure that the results are measurable, so we can continue to discuss your company’s progress based on facts.

Depending on the size of your business and the complexity of the challenges, I can also collaborate with strategic partners to develop a detailed action plan within a quarter and see the first positive changes within your organization.

What are the benefits?

  • Insight into the real status of your company regarding workplace enjoyment, stress, and vitality
  • Happier, more motivated, and healthier staff
  • Your entire company learns to speak the same language regarding stress and vitality, from the intern to the CEO
  • Savings in absenteeism costs, avoiding the need for company doctors and absenteeism coordinators

Interested in a round with Remco for business? Contact me below!

Remco is a friendly coach who genuinely cares about his clients. He's easy to talk to and draws from his own experiences, which I find important because theory and practice often differ. I would definitely continue to use your services in the future if needed!


Remco's help was great! . I learned how to reduce my stress through breathing and mindfulness exercises . I had also many walking sessions with Remco. They were very helpful in reflecting and counseling on my personal and work life. My ability to set boundaries has improved and I can now manage stress with a lot less less impact on my mental and physical health.


Working with Remco is meaningful, challenging, and thought-provoking. He challenges your thought patterns and ideas about 'how things should be done.' I've learned that I don't always need to have a direction, and that it's okay not to know sometimes. Remco takes your experiences seriously but also maintains a sense of lightness to keep you moving forward.


Walking in nature during sessions was great. Remco is open about his own experiences, which provided me with a lot of support and recognition. The biggest difference after over 4 months of coaching is the confidence I have regained in myself. Remco also helped me realize that what I'm doing is simply good enough.


Your turn!

Taking small steps to become stronger. Bringing back peace, energy, better decisions, and more humour into your life. And most importantly, becoming the person you want to be. Emerging stronger from your stress. Let’s work together to create a lighter life, you deserve it.